Friday, December 9, 2011

Transformations: Series One


These are the first makeup transformations I was able to test out. I want to thank Jemiimaa... and Ipwn6 for letting me use their gorgeous dolls and post them on this blog. And I especially want to thank icyPOP. for asking her members to help me out, and for helping me out herself. You guys made this possible ♥

A little information about this experiment: These transformations are not meant to offend anybody, and are just alternative ways to play around with your makeup. In no way am I implying that my routine is better than your own, or that the other is ugly. Both are beautiful ways to play up your features, this is just one way to do so. Enjoy!

Ipwn6 Before

Ipwn6 After

Jemiimaa... Before

Jemiimaa... After

Which do you like better? Before or after? Why? Tips and tricks?

Do you want to have a transformation too? Join ModelAgency... under icyPOP.'s clubs and sign your name under the topic "A chance to be a model!" and everyone who signs will be featured!